Featured Print September 2022

Space Shuttle Columbia (STS75) launch

An Artemis abort consulation: Space Shuttle Columbia (STS75) launch February 22, 1996. Taken from the Vertical Assembly Building. Kennedy Space Center. Kodak DCS 460c

Columbia flew nine more times before it was lost in 2003 during reentry likely due to insulation foam breaking a wing tile during launch.

I’m offering an 11x14 inch print of this photograph for $195, matted to 16x20 inch board. This print at this price is offered through September 31. I'll be taking orders until then, and shipping them out by October 15.

Past Featured Prints

About the Program

Each month we offer a signed, original print, at a special price. This is a great opportunity to own a very affordable fine-art photograph. Orders are taken for a 30-day period, then printed and shipped within two weeks after the close. When it's over, it's over, these prints won't be available again at this price.