Consulting and Mentor Program with Stephen Johnson
I teach because I believe I can make a difference for people.
It is a deep ethic, with three decades of photography and teaching experience, combined with some great feedback from my students.
One on One Photographic Help
Our Consulting and Mentoring Program is an exciting formalization of work we have been doing with photographers for years. It has been one of the core interactions that has proved extremely valuable to students.
We are offering prepaid packages of hours where individuals can book mutually agreeable times at our studio, in the field or online virtually to work one on one with Steve. Bigger discounts come with more time prepaid.
Savings Rates (limited slots available)
10 hours @ $1800
4 hours @ $800
2 hours @ $450
Work with Steve side by side, in person or virtually, from anywhere in the world, just as you would if you were with him in Tuscany, the Galapagos or the Antarctic. Virtual connections mean no hassle of an airport pat down, lost luggage, a canceled flight or the expense of a plane ticket.
Stephen Johnson Photography is adding this Mentorship program to his consulting business to enable individual photographers worldwide to consult directly with Stephen on their technical and aesthetic photographic questions. In person visits or field trips remain the best way of working. Virtual connections are also working extremely well and is run using Zoom for virtual mentoring..
Recent online interactions with students have included individual critiques of the student's work, concepts including exposure, histograms and depth of field, printing workflow connectivity and profiling, consultation on photographic projects and input on publishing your work. Ongoing work with Steve over time can provide a unique opportunity for feedback and growth.
Potential students can email Steve to determine how he might help. Naturally, this initial interaction is free. Once you and Steve determine that he can be of help, you can contact our studio to set up emailed image submissions or submitted questions to enable working virtually with Stephen directly online, prepaying for the estimated time needed.
The number of clients and regularity of this service is limited. Virtual appointments must consider reasonable times for our California location. Image submission and the nature of the needed consultation can be arranged up front, before payment or booking. Prepaying allow us to offer these reduced rates.
What you need:
Time to come spend time with Steve one on one or a Zoom chat.
Email to briefly discuss with Steve how he might help
Arrangements for a time and date
A desire to work with Steve on your photography
Use within one year of purchase
Give the Gift of a One on One Learning Experience
With Stephen Johnson Photography Gift Certificates!
Contact: or call 650 355-7507.
Many Tutorials, Technical discussions and Essays are linked from the Techniques Button on our Home page.
Photography Workshops
Interested in learning more? Perhaps one of our digital photography classes would be of help? We take the imparting of information and the empowerment of our students quite seriously. The digital age has considerably enhanced our ability to teach, and we believe your ability to capture what you see. This program is designed to help you benefit from both of these advances. We hope you can join us on a workshop.
After a few years of working intensely on my Urban Eden Golden Gate Park project, I am excited to offer a two-day photographic workshop in this complex and beautiful landscape. Now 150 years old, this park symbolizes parkland engineering and the earth itself taking its own course of life and fecundity. The park will be explored over two days with a blend of photographic opportunity, assistance, and my growing knowledge of its own back woods. This springtime weekday workshop will avoid some of the weekend crowds.