Stephen Johnson is a landscape and natural world photographer and author who photographs and teaches with great passion, and an educator leading photographic workshop experiences of high craft for four decades.


FEATURED PRINT February 2025

Dune Abstract 20250130-171 . Death Valley. 2025

Dune. Death Valley. 2025.

Every visit to the Mesquite Flat Dunes in Death Valley fills me with wonder. As I was walking out into the rolling fields of sand this year, I found myself wondering if I would see anything new after 40 years of coming here. It was such a naive thought. The quiet predawn light soon took me to another place, one of tranquility and peace. A gentle sensuality became clear in the soft light. As the sun rose, as always, the lines became sharp, the design abstract, and all questions of what new I might see evaporated. I must be “in the world” where the natural seeing is continuously renewed. There are many ways of being in the world, but this experience reminded me of why I keep coming back.

I’m offering a 14-inch-wide print of this photograph for $195. Larger prints can be ordered. This print at this price is offered through February 28. I'll be taking orders until then, and shipping them out by March 15, 2024. The image reverts to its normal price after that, $800 for an 11x14, $1500 for a 16x20 print.


Human Marks. Lakeside Estates Aerial, Avondale, AZ (west Phoenix). 2015

Lakeside Estates Aerial, Avondale. AZ 2015.

Flying home after a few weeks out on a Canon speaking trip and southwest explore, I was struck by this strange geometry. It ran so counter to the landscape I had seen driving through Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. I almost felt like I was an alien visiting another planet other than the one I had been wandering through.

Announcing the February 2025 Newsletter

This month's View From Here column features new and archive photographs, and an exploration of recent travels.

My guest photographer series continues with Jeff Schewe’s Black and White in Antarctica exhibition opening February 16 and continuing to March 31. Marion Patterson’s Intimate Landscapes exhibition continues to February 14 .

The Gallery will be open Saturdays in February (except for 2/15 for show hanging) from 11am to 4pm and by appointment. Call to confirm 650 355-7507.

Ubehebe Crater. Death Valley. 2025.

My next class is the Flora and Form workshop April 24-26 and the two-day Golden Gate Park Class April 28-29.

This summer I am teaching a black and white class for the Los Angles Center for Photography July 19-20.

— Steve

Upcoming Speaking Events and Workshops

In the Galleries

Location: Stephen Johnson Photography. Pacifica Center for the Arts

Life Form and With a New Eye selections are currently on view.

Guest Photographer Exhibition Series

In line with the adage “do maximum good,” my gallery space is expanding its roster of exhibiting artists. I have started a Guest Photographer Exhibition Series in July 2024 for six-week runs of photographers whose work I admire and want the public to see.

Marion Patterson: Intimate Landscapes

Marion Patterson’s Intimate Landscapes exhibition will be on display November 24 to December 31 with her Opening Reception on December 7 from 1 to 4pm.

Supporting Partners

Adobe, BetterLight, Canon, Colorbyte, Eizo, Epson, Heliconsoft, Imagenomics, X-rite