New Photograph Print June 2018


New Photograph: Posted June 2018

Bombay Beach. Salton Sea. 2018. Canon EOS 5DSr.

After eons of being a dry ancient lake, in 1905 a flood re-created the Salton Sea. It soon became a magnet for desert water lovers, but became increasingly salty as the decades passed.  Hurricanes in 1976 and 1977 did serious damage to a waning community, leaving it ever more challenged.

This sculpture, "The Tesseract" by Steve Shigley remains as a testament to the arts interacting and commenting on this changing landscape. 

"The Bombay Beach Biennale is a renegade celebration of art, music, and philosophy that takes place each year on the literal edge of Western Civilization, at the shores of the Salton Sea."

Don’t Call It a Festival

9.5x14 Pigment Inkjet Print on Cotton paper
$195 each.

Join us if you can on one of our upcoming workshops: