New Photograph Print June 2018
New Photograph: Posted June 2018
Bombay Beach. Salton Sea. 2018. Canon EOS 5DSr.
After eons of being a dry ancient lake, in 1905 a flood re-created the Salton Sea. It soon became a magnet for desert water lovers, but became increasingly salty as the decades passed. Hurricanes in 1976 and 1977 did serious damage to a waning community, leaving it ever more challenged.
This sculpture, "The Tesseract" by Steve Shigley remains as a testament to the arts interacting and commenting on this changing landscape.
"The Bombay Beach Biennale is a renegade celebration of art, music, and philosophy that takes place each year on the literal edge of Western Civilization, at the shores of the Salton Sea."
9.5x14 Pigment Inkjet Print on Cotton paper
$195 each.