The Basics, and Way Beyond
February 1-2,, 2020
Stephen Johnson Photography Studios
Pacifica, California (near San Francisco)
To Register:
Online Credit Card Registration (preferred) or by phone 650 355-7507
photo by Jerry Mullins
Topics Include
Origins of Electronic Imaging
What is a Digital Image
Hardware Choices
Digital Cameras in the Field & Studio
Software: The Electronic Darkroom
Basic Tools of Image Editing
Color & Contrast
Digital Photography Tools & Techniques
Introduction to Color Management
Image Compression
Digital Printing
This is an exciting exploration of photography's powerful new digital tools with one of the most knowledgeable artists in the field. This class is designed to provide you with the background and understanding to transition your work into the digital realm. The digital basics are covered here, in real world terms, with care to make sure the concepts are understood and the complications simplified. Those basics are built on to tackle the thorny issues of camera design and choice, data storage, color management and printing.
These two days are designed to breakdown misunderstanding, build enthusiasm and make clear fuzzy concepts that can hold your work back from feeling comfortable and in control. Many experienced photographers have taken this class and raved about its helpfullness in their digital transition and understanding.
In this digital era, slides or negatives can be scanned and cellphone and digital cameras can make your vision able to be seen on site, all new capabilities that can set you on a course that could be the visual equivalent of never-never land. You'll walk in with your photographs and your imagination, and walk out with a new vision of where photography is headed, and how to help shape that future to your vision.
Digitized photographs are almost infinitely malleable, tunable to your vision of the scene, or your imagination. Montage and collage is seamless. Restoration of damaged and faded photographs is a joy. Funky color balance can be faithfully corrected. Archiving takes on whole new meaning. Strange new worlds can form before your eyes. With digital cameras, the moment captured is seen only moments later.
This workshop is about taking control of your work, from the recording of light, to the image on paper. Even in graphic arts reproduction, imagemakers can control what happens to their reproduced work, create beautiful duotones, tritones, or even quadtones, making a reproduction imitate the depth of a silver print or stay true to the carefully controlled color of your original.
This workshop will explore photography's evolution into a digitally based medium, demonstrating the technology and discussing the implications and opportunities of this dramatic change.
Learn The Possibilities
The workshop will concentrate on digital photography's possibilities as a fine-arts photography tool, using Macintosh computers, Adobe's Photoshop software and inkjet printers for the demonstrations. All necessary equipment will be provided during the workshop and topics will be discussed in non-technical terms. This class is presented seminar style, and is not a hands-on class with a machine for each student to use.
This is not a beginning photography class, but a fundementals of digital photography class. Basic familiarity with photography is suggested.
You'll leave having a good grasp of the kind of equipment you need to accomplish your goals, budgets, priorities, and best of all, what you can do with these ever more capable and amazing tools.
The nearby Pacific Ocean beach should provide a fairly nice field trip opportunity if we have time. Workshop fee includes lunch for both days.
photo by Jerry Mullins